Monday, May 7, 2012

Reverse The Order Of Sheets In Acrobat Pro

Have you ever recieved a PDF of scanned sheets and found that all the sheets were in reverse order?  How annoying!!!  Well, I did today, so I got on Google to look for a solution.

I found a solution at this post here...

Per this post, I downloaded a java script file and put it in a specific folder.  Closed and reopend Acrobat Professional and there was a new command under the Document menu called Reverse.  It resorted all my sheets instantly!!!

If the above link does not work...
  • Open Notepad (or a Mac equivalent if you are a Mac user) copy and paste in the code at the bottom of this post.
  • Save the file as Reversepageorder.js
  • Copy the file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Javascripts, or wherever your Acrobat Javascripts folder is.  You may need an administrator password
  • Close and reopen Acrobat Professional
  • Document>Reverse

 app.addMenuItem({ cName: "Reverse", cParent: "Document", cExec: "PPReversePages();", cEnable: "event.rc = ( != null);", nPos: 0

function PPReversePages()
 var t = app.thermometer;
 t.duration = this.numPages;
 for (i = this.numPages - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  t.value = (i-this.numPages)*-1;
  t.text = 'Moving page ' + (i + 1);
}// JavaScript Document

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sketchup Style Push-Pull Modeling in ArchiCAD 16

Archicad 16 has a new tool/object called Morph.  The first thing that grabbed my attention was the Sketchup style push-pull functionality that is provided.  It is what I have been wanting to see for a long time!

Here is a demo on the ArchiCAD YouTube Channel...
AC16 Morph Push

More on ArchiCAD 16